Friday, February 20, 2009

Odd and dirty children.

I have had two days of meetings in East London, so Sonja and the kids have come down with me as we needed to get various medical check up's done over the next couple of weeks anyway, and some city shopping for item we couldn't get, and it seemed like a good idea to get it all done in one go.

Our kids are definitely getting acclimatized to living in the village. They are doing some odd things in an urban environment.

When we got to the little cottage we are staying in, Skye was thirsty and wanted a drink. I told her that I was busy, and to get a cup from the kitchen and help herself. She looked at me like I was a bit slow (why do kids always think the old man is slow), and then asked (with a semi-silent Duhhh) "Where must I get the water from Dad?" She has got so used to having to get water out of either a tank or a jerrycan, she completely hadn't thought to turn on a kitchen tap.

And then when each of the kids in turn took a toilet break, they each first asked, "Can I wee and poo in the loo dad?" This comes form having a separate loo in the village for peeing in. And I am like a stuck record, going "don't poo in there, don't poo in there..." So it was like heaven for them being able to poo and wee on the same loo.

Caleb has developed a nasty habit of dropping his pants and pooing at will, regardless of the location. In the village we do use a loo, but because he has had a bad tummy bug, he does use the bush and a small spade quite a lot.
Sonja took all three kids to an outdoor play area while I was at a meeting, and Caleb, bless his dirty little village heart, took off his pants and crapped like royalty right in the centre of the play area amongst all the other kids.

Sonja crapped herself.

Out of embarrassment.

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