Sunday, April 26, 2009

Water Sustainablility

I now know why people go to war over water.
I watch mine like hawk.
I put a padlock on our tank yesterday because the neighbours little four year old played with it and left it open for a couple of minutes.
Everybody was very aplogetic but I wasn't going to risk our water on a pre-schooler.

Other than showering the kids at the lodge once per day we have become entirely self sufficient.

At the moment we have enough water for Sonja and I to each use eight litres to bucket bath, and we get through about 15 litres per day for cooking, drinking, tea and coffee etc, and washing hands and brushing teeth.
Dogs, kittens and chickens use up another 5 litres
We use a further 10 litres or so for cleaning and rinsing the dishes.
So, if I included kids sharing a 20 litre shower, we can get by on 66 litres per day, for a family of five, plus pets.
An average bath is about 200 litres, so 66 litres is pretty good.

If nobody screws with my tank.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys. The 2 of you are very inspirational. It must be so fulfilling to give back to the community. Please advise how I can make a donation to the Early Learning Centre as Bee and I feel we should be putting part of my bonus back into South African soil!
