We even got a chance to get up on the roof and repair as many holes as we could find.
We definitely have the worst looking roof in the village.
I suspect that the neighbours are slightly embarrassed by the extent that we are bringing down the neighbourhood aesthetic.
Am pretty upset Sonja didn't get a pic of me up on the roof. I was sure it looked pretty heroic, but for some reason she seemed busy when I called to have my photo taken.
Will now have to pose for it next week (probably with a knife between my teeth)
We have now finished all the furniture we were planning on building.
All that now remains is building an outside porch, putting in a long drop loo, building a solar (jerry can)shower, building a chicken coop, and establishing and fencing an organic vegetable garden.
We will tackle these slowly over the next two weeks.
I will start with the most easy and fun, say, the chicken coop.
Sonja will advocate for the most urgent and back breaking (the loo)
Below are a selection of the fruits of our labour (as opposed to the kids in the pics are the fruits of my loins)
Here I am working at building a water table and a "builders bum".
This has to be one of the most beautiful workshops you could wish for. If it had a level floor it would be an improvment. It is very difficult to get 90 degree corners under these conditions.
Mila agreeing that the new bunk bed is very comfortable.
Skye and Mila dunking biscuits in hot tea.
Caleb taking a break he definitely didn't earn.
A quick semi family picture taken by Skye. Her mother is taking all the mugs to the scullery. Which consists of an outside plastic tub, and a great view.
Mila having one of her spontaneous moments that she is prone to. Have been unable to beat the joy out our of the kids.
Our bedroom. Bit drab with the flash on. By candle light it is much more warm and cosy.
The kitchen area.
The girls beds
Caleb asleep on his new bed.
Our living area looking through into our bedroom.
Our living area looking through into the kids room.
The new bunk in our living area.