Sonja picked up two broilers on the side of the road that were destined for the pot.
They are uglier and grumpier than sin.
They must have had a crap life because the are pretty much featherless on their bottoms and backs, and are missing a toe or two.
They are now in heaven, free range, all they can eat, and no rooster to bother them.
The sixth came via the neighbour who gave us the runt from her batch instead of some change she owed us.
Six ugly chickens, 21 days, one egg.
These are our worst statistics to date, beaten only by my fishing stats which read, 48 days, one fish, 100g.
This is Goose. Very masculine.
These are "Sulky Sue", and my one is called "don't get attached to me I am not a pet"
Goose and Freckles stepping out.
Snuffles, sometimes Mr Snuffles, which is a bit weird as she is a hen.
We don't have a pic of Mrs Smith (the neighbour - geddit), she rarely graces us with her presence, eating our food, and then scooting back to her mates at the neighbours.
We are now a place of safety for ugly and ex battery hens.