Once we had the hole dug and just the top of the blue drum sticking out of the ground, it was simply a question of putting up four poles, and a floor frame.
Then putting on the floor (with hole cut in it to fit the top of the drum snugly.
Place our pre-made lovable loo around the top of the drum (site tested by Mila. Then we added on a roof frame,wall frames, a door, and wrapped two layers of shadecloth around the whole thing. We still need to put the roof on, and our plan was to (painstakingly) cover the outside of the walls with groovy looking bamboo strips. But for now it is shadecloth, which, although not waterproof, is very light and airy.
We have a double seater. One for solids (down the hatch) and one for wee which goes into a bucket that needs emptying every few days (wee only - I don't have that strong a constitution that I am going to be emptying crap buckets without barfing)
Here Mila tries out the pee pot.
Followed by the real Macoy.
The idea is that once you have done what you need to (and finished off the chapter you were on), You simply wipe. There is no adding of soil or compost or wood chips. The platform off the ground means things should dry out on their own. Once a week I collect some cow dung, mix with with a bit of wood ash from our fireplace, and sprinkle it over all that lives below.
The pee bucket is currently emptied by hand, but we will fit a pipe as soon as we have a vegetable garden fenced, and will drain this into a banana garden, along with some grey water.