Sonja has started her pre-school. Today is day three and they have about 20 kids attending. Lots to hear here, with many funny and moving stories. She has some awesome pictures as well.
Caleb and Mila attend each morning from 8am to 12.30pm.
Takes them a half hour walk through the village to get to school.
Much more importantly, our toilet is looking beautiful and today I will try and get the roof on so that we can start using it tomorrow morning. Me first, please.
I might run a poll to see which blog is more interesting and fulfilling, Sonja educating and changing lives, or my opus on toilet building.
(with lots of photo's of me risking life and limb down a 2 meter hole in the ground.
We are also slowly developing a routine. We normally are all up by 6am (to beautiful views)Then an hour and a half of chores, dressing and cleaning. At 7.30 am Sonja, Mila and Caleb head off to the pre-school.
Skye and I then start computer work and her home schooling.
Sonja gets back at about 1pm with the kids and then I spend the afternoon doing outside work.
The kids are also dying to post photo's of their two new kittens.
We have one called Tigger, and Mila has called hers Cheetah.
They are reasonably sweet, as far as pets go.
(I am more a farm animal type of person, especially ones that you can milk, get fresh eggs from , or eat)
Stay tuned tomorrow for the school and toilet blog.
Don't feel bad choosing the toilet over the kids.
The donkeys now come inside our bedroom and have to be chased away.
Puma (poo!-Maah!) - means bugger off
We also figured out where all the dog food was going.
Skye looking at a dead fly under the microscope in her classroom on the hill. She has possibly got the best biology teacher in the Southern Hemisphere.
A quick preview of the views our loo will have.
Doing the dishes in the scullery.
Burning our rubbish, another chore.
Explaining to Skye, and having her examine just where the new "time-out" spot will be. None of my kids takes me literally anymore which is a bit annoying. I might have to do a trade in on ones that do.