You know.
It's Saturday morning and you really need 15 litres of fresh, wet, warm cow poop, and you cant find any anywhere.
Man, I hate it when that happens.
We normally have so much fresh cow poop you have to skirt around it.
Well. Saturday I had to walk for 35 minutes to get enough to do the floors.
We needed to re-dung our floors as the dust was getting pretty bad in the house.
We had been putting it off for quite a while (oddly, it wasn't difficult letting "rub fresh cow shit into your floor by hand" slip to the back of the chore list)
Our neighbour, Nonezile (non-neh-zee-leh)kindly showed us the ropes as we broke into virgin territory.
Once we had collected about 15 litres of cowshite (wet, very fresh, no crust)
All we needed was water to add.
I kept waiting for the secret ingredient.
There was none.
Basically you dump a bucket of fresh cow and bull dump into the middle of your floor.
Add a whole lot of water.
Get your hands dirty turning it into sludge. (I believe sewage farms use the term "slurry")
Then you get down on your knees and smear away.
The technique (in case you want to try this at home kids, don't ask permission first)is really about keeping it wet and slurry like, and using the edge of your little finger and the edge of your palm as a squeegee.
Remember when you were a kid and you went for aswim in the pool in the dark alone.
Of course there wasn't a shark in the pool.
In that one James Bond movie they press a button and the pool has a secret door that lets in a shark.
So you laugh at yourself, but your heart speeds up a dash, and you get out quickly, and tell yourself it is simply because you don't want to miss Magnum PI.
Well, halfway through mixing everything with your hands, you have the following unavoidable thought process.
"I know I collected all the poop myself"
"It was all definitely cow poop"
"I definitely didn't get any human poop by accident"
"80 percent of the village poops in the bush and grass"
"I wonder what time Magnum PI starts out here"
"I wonder what higgins will be p to this week"
For about 30 minutes it smells like a cow shat in your lounge.
Then it smells sweet and rich and reminds you of horses and summer and clover.
And it is soft well insulated.
And free.
And it only took us about 20 minutes. And that my friends is quicker than a vacume.