This is the start of our master birding list that we will keep updated. Photographs are by Gene Gage from our September 2008 site visit.
Cape Gannet - Sula capensis
Grey Headed Gull - Larus cirrocephalus
Kelp Gull - Larus dominicanus
Swift Tern - Sterna bergii
Reed Comorant -Phalacrocorax africanus
Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
Blackheaded Heron - Ardea melanocephala
Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
Hammerkop - Scopus umbretta
Greater Flamingo - Phoenicopterus ruber
African spoonbill - Platalea alba
Sacred Ibis - Threskiornis aethiopicus
Hadeda Ibis - Bostrychia hagedash
Egyptian Goose - Alopochen aegyptiacus
African Black Duck - Anus sparsa
Yellow Billed Duck - Anus undulata
Water Dikkop - Burhinus vermiculatus
Black Kite - Milvus migrans migrans
African Fish Eagle - Haliaeetus vocifer
Lanner Falcon - Falco biarmicus
Crowned Crane - Balearica regulorum
Whitefronted Plover - Charadrius marginatus
Threebanded Plover - Charadrius tricollaris
Blacksmith Plover - Vanellus armatus
Turnstone - Arenaria interpres
Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus
Cape Turtle Dove - Streptopelia capicola
Green Pigeon - Treron calva
Purple Crested Lourie - Tauraco porphyreolophus
Burchell's Coucal - Centropus burchelli
Speckled Mousebird - Colius striatus
Pied Kingfisher - Ceryl rudis
Giant Kingfisher - Ceryl maxima
Halfcollared Kingfisher - Alcedo semitorquata
Malachite Kingfisher - Alcedo cristata
Brownhooded Kingfisher - Halcyon albiventris
Redbilled Woodhoopoe - Phoeniculus purpureus
Crowned Hornbill - Tockus erythrorhynchus
Ground Hornbill- Bucorvus leadbeateri
Blackcollared Barbet - Lybius torquatus
Olive Woodpecker - Mesopicos griseocephalus
Golden Tailed Woodpecker - Campethera abingoni
Rufousnaped Lark - Mirafra africana
Lesser Striped Swallow - Hirundo abyssinica
European Swallow - Hirundo rustica
Brown Throated Martin (African Sand Martin)- Riparia paludicola
Rock Martin - Hirundo fuligula
Black Saw-wing Swallow - Psalidoprocne holomelas
Forktailed Drongo - Dicurus adsimilis
Black Flycatcher - Melaenornis pammelaina
Whitenecked Raven - Corvus albicollis
Blackeyed bulbul - Pycnonotus barbatus
Sombre Bulbul - Andropadus importunus
Olive Thrush - Turdus olivaceus
Orange Thrush - Turdus gurneyi
Cape Robin - Cossypha caffra
Natal Robin - Cossypha natalensis
Barthroated Apalis - Apalis thoracica
Greenbacked Bleating Warbler - Camaroptera brachyura
Fantailed Cisticola - Cisticola juncidis
Tawnyflanked Prinia - Prinia subflava
Dusky Flycatcher - Muscicapa adusta
Black Flycatcher - Melaenoris pammelaina
Paradise Flycatcher - Terpsiphone viridis
Southern Boubou - Laniarius ferrugineus
Longtailed Wagtail - Motacilla clara
Cape Wagtail - Motacilla capensis
Plainbacked Pipit - Anthus leucophrys
Orangethroated Longclaw - Macronyx capensis
Redwing Starling - Onychognathus morio
European Starling - Sturnus vulgaris
Cape Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis nitens
Blackbellied Glossy Starling - Lamprotornis corruscus
Greater Doublecollared Sunbird - Nectarinia afra
Collared Sunbird - Anthreptes collaris
Black Sunbird - Nectarinia amethystina
Cape White-eye - Zosterops pallidus
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
Cape Sparrow - Passer melanurus
Spectacled Weaver - Ploceus ocularis
Forest Weaver - Ploceus bicolor
Red Shouldered Widow - Euplectes axillaris
Redcollared Widow - Euplectes ardens
Longtailed Widow - Euplectes progne
Bluebilled Firefinch - Lagonosticta rubricata
Common Waxbill - Estrilda astrild
Pintailed Whydah - Vidua macroura
Charles - Thanks for the Latin names on these. I've been trying to complete my own Bulungula Bird List, and it is damned hard to find some of those birds in American references. I have more bird pics from So Africa if you want them.
ReplyDeleteLet me know when you spot your first Transkei crud pecker. I believe that they are around throughout the year.
ReplyDeleteHey Meester Starling ;-) Hows the 'twitching' going mate. Seen any exotics (crud peckers) while building house. We are big 'finger tips' fans by the way. Keep it up. You all doing so well. Hope the tummies settle down soon. Rupes