Cover all the wood with plastic sheeting and baton down. Check
Close up and cover the trailer. Check
Collect all tools and get stored away. Check
Make sure the rainwater tank and storage drums are all set up. Check
Keep the fire going. Check
30 minutes later you are soaked to the skin in your T-shirt and shorts, so you stay outside anyway as it is nice and cool after two very hot days.
As soon as there was a break in the rain I popped onto the roof, Sonja passed me up to pieces of chewing gum, and I managed to plug two of our worst roof leaks.
Then the weather cleared and we had a beautiful evening. We cooked outside and the views after the rain were lovely.
Later, after dinner, the rain started again in earnest.
It was now dark, so we all dashed outside and showered in the rain.
It was enough to get lathered up and rinsed off afterwards.
Great family shower. Except the kids didn't like the cold wind between lathering and rinsing off.
All except Caleb who had collapsed onto his new bed and was fast asleep.
Now midnight and have been fixing some holes with window putty and duct tape from inside.
Really need to get onto the roof tomorrow if the weather clears up.
Good Blog.
Yeah, rain and a leaky roof don't exactly make the perfect match. This has happened to me before, and way worse. Well, it's never too late to fix your roof!