My first thought was dogs.
I grabbed my torch and snuck up to our door, undid the twine that serves as a security latch, and burst outside.
There she stood.
My sieve that I use for baking chewed and squashed in her mouth.
A bloody great donkey.
I shoo'd her off, and after a couple more mouthfulls, she stared hard at me and ambled off.
Not in any rush.
The second day we were here, I had spent the morning putting new glass panes in the windows. Just as I had finshed, who should call to check out my work, bu the mother donkey.
The donkeys here really are funny and full of character. There is a mother and baby that seem to live around our hut. They act in the most un-donkey like manner. They spend a lot of time lying on the ground sleeping, and are more like a couple of lazy dogs sleeping in the sun.
Not only dogs, they also think they are roosters, and most mornings, start braying as soon as the first rooster crows.
Needless to say Mila's request for a birthday present is a donkey. It might not be a bad idea. Cheap to buy, cheap to keep, and small enough for the two youngest to ride without having to fall to far to the ground. It is the closest they will come to a horse I can promise you.
And as long as they are what goes bump in the night, we are not complaining.
Donkeys rock guys. Gotta love those ears. Funny i overheard a tourguide explaining why African penguins are aka jackass penguins. Cause they sound like braying donkeys. But you'd know that coming from Boulders an all. In fact when did the penguins start squatting there?
ReplyDeleteAnyhow i took family on the peninsula tour last week and stopped to check out the little b&w donkeys. Heck they were funny.
Donkeys rock guys. Gotta love those ears. Funny i overheard a tourguide explaining why African penguins are aka jackass penguins. Cause they sound like braying donkeys. But you'd know that coming from Boulders an all. In fact when did the penguins start squatting there?
ReplyDeleteAnyhow i took family on the peninsula tour last week and stopped to check out the little b&w donkeys. Heck they were funny.