Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The beautiful game, Africa style

Some call it the beautiful game.

Others say soccer is a gentleman's game played by 11 thugs, while rugby as a thugs game, played by 15 gentlemen.
Regardless of which, we thought that the Soccer World Cup 2010 needed some representation on the blog, at least once.

We had Greg, a photographer staying at the lodge recently who kindly allowed us to use some of his photo's. As the world cup is fast approaching I thought we could post a few of Greg's photo's to show you soccer, African style.

The beautiful game, Bulungula style.

A sponsor is donating a solar system for the Nofisi Junior School, and the community has also had a flat screen TV promised to them. These will serve educational purposes, but the sponsor is also determined that the village, with no access to TV whatsoever and very sporadic radio reception, will now be able to watch the world cup matches up in the community hall at the school. This will be very exciting for the soccer mad community.

The village has its own rather good soccer team that wins most of it's matches against neighbouring teams.

"Dangerous Boys" play in a blue and white strip, and practice three times a week.

Matches are normally held on a Sunday and most of the community turns out for the games, which are always held in good spirit and accompanied by "some small" vuvuzela blowing.

Enjoy Greg's pictures

All photo's are by Greg Beadle , 2009

To see more of Greg's work you can check out his website at


  1. Shot Paul
    He took suchshots while he was here.
    Impossible to emulate

  2. Hi all - just took a quick peek at the site - just love those photo's that guy Greg is real good. So, lots of love to you all and hope I get there before it's already time for you to come back? ....

  3. Hi, the previous message was from me Lols... Still haven't cracked it to send this any way but via Anonymous ..... as in AA ha ha - that's what yoiu get from working in a rehab..... XX

  4. Hi there! I saw that your RSS of this site is functioning without any mistakes, did you somehow execute all the properties all by yourself or you simply used the original settings of the widget?
